
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Adrenaline Forest

EOTC task 3

Adrenaline Forest

On Wednesday we went to Spencer park and Adrenaline Forest and during the wait for us and Tieke to swap for Adrenaline Forest some of us were playing volleyball the whole time and once it was time to finally switch the briefing for Adrenaline Forest it was at first confusing but then turned out to be simple. I then finished briefing and me and Aisa moved onto level 3 with Miah and us three worked as a team and got through the course together but behind me was Gerald and Jay-C.My overall favourite first experience at Adrenaline Forest was being able to complete level 3 and that I pushed my boundaries of heights and the fact I've never done it and wanted to go up three levels was a improvement.

Images down below-