
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Adrenaline Forest

EOTC task 3

Adrenaline Forest

On Wednesday we went to Spencer park and Adrenaline Forest and during the wait for us and Tieke to swap for Adrenaline Forest some of us were playing volleyball the whole time and once it was time to finally switch the briefing for Adrenaline Forest it was at first confusing but then turned out to be simple. I then finished briefing and me and Aisa moved onto level 3 with Miah and us three worked as a team and got through the course together but behind me was Gerald and Jay-C.My overall favourite first experience at Adrenaline Forest was being able to complete level 3 and that I pushed my boundaries of heights and the fact I've never done it and wanted to go up three levels was a improvement.

Images down below-

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Evaporating Experiment



Aim-Separating the copper sulfate and the water then to make it to a solid

Hypothesis-I think that the copper sulfate and the boiled water when mixed the two liquids will combine together and become into a clear blue solid.


1. Set up element.

2.Add mL of hot water to the beaker and place element.

3.Add copper sulfate to the evaporating basin until it is quarter full.

4. Carefully, Place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker.

5. Turn on the element to 3.

6. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated and crystals of solute form.

7.Turn off the element- be careful not to touch, as it will be hot for a long time

Observations:When the water  began to boil the copper sulfate began to sort of become a solid sticking to the edges.

Conclusion:Now it has turned into a Crystal type of looking that's stuck around the whole socket of the tube

Discussion:The copper sulfate began to turn into a crystal  

Evaluation:The crystal shaped solid inside the tube became solid and stuck on the out skirts of the tube and had solidified that copper sulfate.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Dilution Experiment

 What is dilution?

Dilution is the addition of solvent, which decreases the concentration of the solute in the solution. Concentration is the removal of solvent, which increases the concentration of the solute in the solution.

Most dilute is when their are less particles which means less ingredients mixed with the liquid.

Less concentrated is also the same as most dilute, It is when their are less particles.

My hypothesis-

Which test tube is the most dilute? 

The sixth tube will be the most dilute because of the most liquid has been added to that one so I'm guessing it'll be six.

Which test will be least dilute?

The first because that was the one that had the most particles in it and then removed but it still had the most.   

My hypothesis was incorrect the most dilute was the first because I added the potassium permanganate in the sixth tube which had the most colour and added 5mL of the liquid from the sixth and the colour dyed down to a less concentrated colour which ended on the first.

Filtration Experiment


My hypothesis is that I think it will mix the two liquids and turn colours into a different colour and then have a chemical reaction and could cause a blob of froth on the top.=What will happen when we filtrate the mixture-I think that the particles will split apart and form a different type of liquid


Sodium Carbonate

Conical flask

Stirring Rod



Filter paper

Results-When mixing the Copper Sulfate & Sodium Carbonate the sodium carbonate caused it to create blobs inside the beaker and when we filtrated it in separated the Copper Sulfate from the Sodium and turned it into Sodium it self.I reckon it caused that to happen because of the filter made the blobs of copper separate from it's natural form at first when mixed and because of the filter it caused the blobs to be held inside funnel with the filter.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Business & Enterprise Kete

Business & Enterprise Kete

My role in this has been Productions manager I was meant to provide with the products that my groups required or else make the products.

My company was called Chucky's Sponges and our product was throwing sponges at my or other teachers faces, through a cut out cardboard where we put our faces if you throw the sponges but didn't hit me you were aloud to squash water out of the sponge and onto my head or body.

My reflection on how the business went overall is-

Strengths-That we could actually finish our product and that it was useful.

Weakness-That our group didn't properly participate and disappeared from our station so then I went looking for them but couldn't find them so I just decided to give up.

My reflection on the overall B&E is-

Strengths-We co-operated well and was able to have a finished outcome on our business.

Weakness-Didn't keep a constant work environment but still got it done and that weren't constant work being done.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Apple Sauce Muffins

Mini Applesauce Muffins


1 c Apple sauce
2 T Canola oil
1 Egg, 
1/2 c soy milk
1 t vanilla essence
1 c wholemeal flour
1/2 c rolled oats
1/4 c sugar
1 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1 t cinnamon 

In my opinion the muffins weren't really that great as I expected they were a bit soggy because it was under cooked and the texture just wasn't really that great but if it had a bit more cinnamon and time to cook it would've been perfect.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Potato Fritters

For this weeks practical lesson we made potato fritters! During this lesson we had someone new to our group, and there was lots of great communication and great team work. In the end we got the meal finished. Overall this was one of my many favourite practical lesson and it was a lot of fun 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Coraline Lighting/Colour

Atmosphere-Feel energy around
Mood-How you feel,Emotions
Location-Where something is happening

Lighting  Natural-Produced in nature,Often sunlight
               artificial-Man made light,Usually electrical

               Warm-Yellow,Makes feel safe & happy & safe
               Cold-White Blue tone,Makes feel Clean,Clinical

                 Bright-Fills room,Makes feel happy & safe
                 Dull-Fills parts of the room,Often feels creepy & murky colour palette

Apple Crumble


1/2 c Flour 

1/2 - 3/4 Brown sugar

75g cold butter 

3/4 Rolled oats

2-3 Medium sized apples

1 D white Sugar

1 T Water

I liked the apple crumble and I am going to make it again (and ours didn't have enough time to cook so there was still a little bit of spare water and raw apples) No images were taken

Phillipines Independence Day

Flag of the Philippines - Wikipedia
Magandang Umaga, This week we are learning about the Philippines independence day! We are celebrating this day because it marks the day where the Philippines denie the law of the spanish and decided to fight for their freedom

*Each day of the year the Philippines celebrate their independence day on June 12th which is the first day of the week they celebrate the day of their independence as a country. The most significant day of the year for the Philippines is independence day because it marks the nations independence against the Spanish rule on June 12th 1898.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


 What are we learning in chemicals?

I'm learning the different states of matter and the particles and all the different types of words to explain the different meaning of different states of matter, Such as Solidifying, Dense, Contract etc. also the processes of changing the states of matter Solid melts to -> liquid, Liquid evaporates into-> Gas Particle Theory - changes of state

The Particle theory

says that all matter repeats of many, very small particles which are constantly moving or in a constant state of motion. The degree to which the particles move is determined by the amount of energy they have and their relationship to other particles.

Particle Theory - WGHS Junior Science


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

Stir fry

 On Tuesday we made some stir fry here is the ingredients and a photo that looks close to the actual thing.

5.Honey, Sweet chilli sauce and seaseme oil
6.2 Minute noodles

The stir fry ended up tasting really good and I would like to make it again.

Pita pockets


Pita Pocket

On Tuesday in home economics we made Pita pockets here is the ingredients that we used (not actual photo just close to it)

1.Pita bread
6.Sweet chilli source

I would rate this a 5/10 it wasn't that great.

Spaghetti bolognese


Spaghetti Bolognese

On Tuesday in home economics we made some spaghetti bolognese, the ingredients that we used was:

Mince, pasta, cheese, onion, mushroom, tomato sauce and carrot. 

This is what they looked like, I don't know if I would make them again because I personally think that they didn't taste that well. Overall I would give it a 7.5/10 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Well-Being Wananga

In the last two weeks we have looked at Resilience - Emotional Awareness (understanding emotions) and Impulses. I've come to realise that

Impulses- mean your emotional reaction to a situation.

your emotional awareness- is where you can realise when someone is down and that your recognise yourself is going through rough times and going through emotions.

Resilience-Is when you try to adapt with your mental emotions and strive to making your mental health improve.

Being able to control my emotions in different situations avoids causing a massive argument and a rivalry against each other impacting other students in their learning and emotions towards me or others.

Knowing how to react and respond in situations rather than acting on impulses means that you can self control your anger and emotions to affect the other people that are working and could get into others business

The effect that these things have on my Social Well-being (Taha Whanau) are that it could affect your socialising skills which could effect you making friends.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Water-Home ec

 Water you can’t live without it.

The 5 facts about water-

  1. How can water help us? Drinking Water Helps hold the Balance of Body liquids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature Important facts.

  2. How long can your body last without water? Because of the amount of water currently already holds you can last to about three-four days without water

  3. How much water should I drink a day? For people in general they should be drinking up to 15-15.5 cups a day but for grown men 11.5.

  4. How much water is on earth-71 percent of earth is mostly just covered in water.

How to make salt water into clean water?

Humans cannot drink saline water. But, saline water can be made into freshwater, which is the purpose of this portable, inflatable solar still (it even wraps up into a tiny package). The process is called desalination, and it is being used more and more around the world to provide people with needed freshwater.

How important is water to us?

Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Inside & Out-Organs


Oesophagus-The oesophagus is the muscular tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach. Swallowed food is massaged down the oesophagus and goes through a weak ring of muscle into the stomach.

Liver-Your liver stores all of your proteins and nutrients, protects the body from disease, and breaks down and helps remove alcohol from the body.

Stomach-The stomach receives food from the esophagus. As food reaches the end of the esophagus.

Small intestine-The small intestine is known as the bowel and absorbs substances and liquids.

Rectum-the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus.

Anus-Lets out the solid waste of broken down food.

Large intestine-the caecum, colon, and rectum collectively.

Sorry for the messy writing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Workshop 5- Creating Charecters

1. - looks like a normal other with button eyes
- dresses like the real mother
- softer/rounder edges - hips, heed, knees, elbows
- clothes are basic design, no patterns, covers most of her body

2. - head/nose - pointer and sharper
- sleeves get shorter
- addiction of red to colour palette 
- starting to get Beatle shape from apron 
- baggy long pants keeps idea of softness

3. - all weight has moved to hips/bum
 - accents beatle shape of dress 
- black and white - more pattern
- better fit
- better and tighter 
- getting longer/stretched neck 
- shorter hair 

4. - scissors/twig like - very skinny
- huge height increase - compared to the first second and third.
- pointy head 
- high heels
- full black outfit
- red shows
- little/no fat

5. - no skin/skinless
- no face, only bone 
- paperthin
- extra legs
- creepy smile
- rags on her body
- very very very tall
- has become hunched over 
- fractured bones

- gradual changes over time 
- takes more time to notice
- changes as coralines peiception of her changes. 

- start - colour is warm, inviting then turns darker and green and creepier 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Home economics

Today in Home Economics we had to create a word art for the hygiene, Safety , & Food safety tips and this was my results from the word-art (Image below)
We also sorted out our food groups although some weren't here but they will just join a group next week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Workshop: 4 How does music entrance the story


Chords - Major- Written in major key, Happy tone
               Minor- Written in Minor key, Sad/creepy tone
Tempo -  Fast- Makes it feel lethargic, boring

Dynamics -  Loud (forte) Feels intense, Shocking, Builds emotion
                 -  Quiet (piano)-Draw in viewer focus, Backround
                 -  Changes-Quiet to loud- builds intensity/energy
                                  -loud to quiet- drains intensity/energy.
Song 1-Islander vibe, Happy mood-Major key
Song 2- Lonely vibe, In secured mood-Minor key

Diagetic Sound- Sounds added to film e.g music,explosion
Non Diagetic Sounds- Sounds that accur naturally -wind in trees 
                                                                                - Footsteps.
Coraline opening scene-Was a minor tone
                                     Moderate/Fast-Gives energy, Movement.
                                     Changes dynamics often-Focus, Build intensity.
Mouse Circus
Dynamics-Loud-Happy,Playful-Grabs attention

Ghost children behind mirror
Chords-minor-Tone,Creepy,Low-Works well with ghost howls and scattering
Tempo-Slow-moments where it picks up, Lethargic,Lazy
Dynamics- Swells loud,quiet-creates focus moments

Friday, June 26, 2020

Pop music slide show

Pop music slide show
Cool Pop Background Music For Videos - YouTube

Heart Dissecting

What have we been learning about?
-We have been learning about how the heart works and how the circulations work, also how does the blood get pumped through the body.

Are we dissecting the heart
-Cause we are learning about the part of the hearts so then it would be a better way to show what it actually looks like.

What are the parts of the heart?
Atrium's,Arteries,Veins,Ventricles,Muscled walls,septum,Heart springs,Valves.

Did I see them & Did I enjoy the dissection?
No I didn't because I sadly miss out on dissecting the heart but I'm hoping to dissect something next term tho.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


attitude | Coraline, Desenhos animados de menina, Filme coralineCoraline Notes-

opening scene:
*music-Sounds,Like child's music box, bit creepy,Repeated lyrics,dreaming,starts quiet.
*Perspective-Other mother P.O.V we see from her, Know it´s her by the needle hands.
*Use of close up shot-Makes audience focus on doll not creator.
*Lighting/Colour-Dim,Dark,Green,Faded,-It is used to set a mood or an atmosphere that it´s old,Abandoned, unappealing And run down

The Pink Palace Apartments | Coraline Wiki | FandomSetting- Pink Palace-Real World

*Music-Happy,Gentle,Harmony,Chanting,Sung by children,Lyrics in a made up language,makes calm happy atmosphere.Changes to increase tension-faster
*Coraline-Sassy,Moody,Stubborn,Bright colours,Blue hair,Yellow jacket & boots,
*Colour/Lighting-Dull,Grey,Boring,Dark,Bland,Tinted,Makes the ¨Real  house feel depressing¨,Old,Crusty & cold,not a place Coraline wants to be.
*Real parents-Dull,Workaholics,Don´t have time for coraline,Not happy,Depressed,Tired

attitude | Coraline, Desenhos animados de menina, Filme coralineCoraline Notes:
*Music- Spooky music,Dosen´t match,What we are seeing,Slow to medium(Neutral) Pace,minor,Quiet.
*Colour/Lighting-Bright,Vibrant,Warm,Welcoming-Makes it feel inviting & safe,Coraline Dosen´t stand out anymore.
*Other Parents-Fun,Active,Show Coraline attention,Energetic,Cooked her nice meal,they look happy & healthy unlike the real parents.

Movie: Coraline | Realm of Sapphire StarIn 'Coraline,' Henry Selick Adds Dimension to the Storytelling ...The ´real´ neighbours 
*Colour-Greys,Dark mournful,Sad Colours-Palette,Foggy faded,Washed out,Colour-Rundown,Dusty,Sticky.
*Lighting-Dark/gloomy-inside house cold light,Shabby,Dark,Poor.
*music-Bland background,Medium pace,Latin style,Upbeat,Movement
*Setting-Forest looks dead,house is old,Rustic,Rundown,Basement,Theater- room,used to be fashionable,Now is dated.
*Characters-Mr Bobinsky-Russian,´Drunk´,awkward,weirdo,Miss Spink & Forcible-They argue,Opposites but like the same thing,ex actresses,Old Fashioned,Confident,Attention-Seekers
-Coraline dosen´t like them but better then nothing.

´Other neighbours´
*Colour-Bright,Light,Friendly<Welcoming,Ms Spink & Forcibel-Good dark,Shiny,Bright,Vibrant
*Lighting-Warm light-Orange/Yellow,Ms Spink & Forcibel-Warm light-Spotlights are bright.
*Music-Loud,Joyful,Circus music,Playful minor,Ms Spink & Forcibel-Energetic,Brass
*Setting-Gardens alive,House is painted/Looks new,Apartment looked Ms Spink & Forcibel-colourful,Clean,Organised,Theatre,Grand,Large,Posh,Good condition 
*Characters Mr B-Clean,Tidy,Done-up,Healthy,Blue,Nice to Coraline & gets her name right Ms Spink & Forcibel-Transformed young,Then attractive,Talented actresses/Acrobatics,Modern.

The Beldam-
*Colours-Dark,Greens,Colourful,Purple,Pink,Neons that show in the dark,Fades to white.
*Music-Slower,Quiet,Menacing,creepy,Other world,Suspicious
*Setting-Chocolate & Furniture were beetles,Sinister,Transformed from the perfect home to a spider web,Polluted.

Friday, May 29, 2020

How does the hand work

Hand & Wrist - Anatomy | Lakeshore Orthopaedics
Movements of the hand are mostly started by muscles in the forearm. Only the thin tendons of these muscles are found directly in the hand: the ex tensor tendons used for stretching the hand run through the back of the hand to the tips of the fingers, and the flexor (bending) tendons run through the palms to the fingers.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Leadership & Change

Demoratic-relating to or supporting democracy or its principles.

Autocratic-relating to a ruler who has absolute power

Laissez-Faire-the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering

Richie McCaw

What makes Richie McCaw a good leader-He demonstrated courage, determination and a complete undeniable commitment to put the needs of the team ahead of his own. When the players looked around they saw these qualities in their leader and this gave them the strength to find the same qualities in themselves.

What was the change they invoked-He tired because his former team mate Jonah Lomu had passed away.

What style of leadership did Richie McCaw Demonstrate-
  • He captained the 2011 All Black’s to rugby world cup victory
  • He is the most capped All Black ever (103).
  • He has tasted victory 84 times in those 95 Tests for an amazing 88 percent success rate – the most by any other All Black.
  • He has captained the All Blacks to 51 victories in 58 Tests.
  • He has been IRB Player of the Year a record three times (2006, 2009, 2010)
Do I think it was an effective style of leadership-Yes because it had lead the team to victory and had made them undefeated for a couple of years.