
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Workshop 5- Creating Charecters

1. - looks like a normal other with button eyes
- dresses like the real mother
- softer/rounder edges - hips, heed, knees, elbows
- clothes are basic design, no patterns, covers most of her body

2. - head/nose - pointer and sharper
- sleeves get shorter
- addiction of red to colour palette 
- starting to get Beatle shape from apron 
- baggy long pants keeps idea of softness

3. - all weight has moved to hips/bum
 - accents beatle shape of dress 
- black and white - more pattern
- better fit
- better and tighter 
- getting longer/stretched neck 
- shorter hair 

4. - scissors/twig like - very skinny
- huge height increase - compared to the first second and third.
- pointy head 
- high heels
- full black outfit
- red shows
- little/no fat

5. - no skin/skinless
- no face, only bone 
- paperthin
- extra legs
- creepy smile
- rags on her body
- very very very tall
- has become hunched over 
- fractured bones

- gradual changes over time 
- takes more time to notice
- changes as coralines peiception of her changes. 

- start - colour is warm, inviting then turns darker and green and creepier 

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