Coraline Notes-
opening scene:
*music-Sounds,Like child's music box, bit creepy,Repeated lyrics,dreaming,starts quiet.
*Perspective-Other mother P.O.V we see from her, Know it´s her by the needle hands.
*Use of close up shot-Makes audience focus on doll not creator.
*Lighting/Colour-Dim,Dark,Green,Faded,-It is used to set a mood or an atmosphere that it´s old,Abandoned, unappealing And run down
Setting- Pink Palace-Real World
*Music-Happy,Gentle,Harmony,Chanting,Sung by children,Lyrics in a made up language,makes calm happy atmosphere.Changes to increase tension-faster
*Coraline-Sassy,Moody,Stubborn,Bright colours,Blue hair,Yellow jacket & boots,
*Colour/Lighting-Dull,Grey,Boring,Dark,Bland,Tinted,Makes the ¨Real house feel depressing¨,Old,Crusty & cold,not a place Coraline wants to be.
*Real parents-Dull,Workaholics,Don´t have time for coraline,Not happy,Depressed,Tired
Coraline Notes:
*Music- Spooky music,Dosen´t match,What we are seeing,Slow to medium(Neutral) Pace,minor,Quiet.
*Colour/Lighting-Bright,Vibrant,Warm,Welcoming-Makes it feel inviting & safe,Coraline Dosen´t stand out anymore.
*Other Parents-Fun,Active,Show Coraline attention,Energetic,Cooked her nice meal,they look happy & healthy unlike the real parents.

The ´real´ neighbours
*Colour-Greys,Dark mournful,Sad Colours-Palette,Foggy faded,Washed out,Colour-Rundown,Dusty,Sticky.
*Lighting-Dark/gloomy-inside house cold light,Shabby,Dark,Poor.
*music-Bland background,Medium pace,Latin style,Upbeat,Movement
*Setting-Forest looks dead,house is old,Rustic,Rundown,Basement,Theater- room,used to be fashionable,Now is dated.
*Characters-Mr Bobinsky-Russian,´Drunk´,awkward,weirdo,Miss Spink & Forcible-They argue,Opposites but like the same thing,ex actresses,Old Fashioned,Confident,Attention-Seekers
-Coraline dosen´t like them but better then nothing.
´Other neighbours´
Ms Spink & Forcibel-Good dark,Shiny,Bright,Vibrant
*Lighting-Warm light-Orange/Yellow
,Ms Spink & Forcibel-Warm light-Spotlights are bright.
*Music-Loud,Joyful,Circus music,Playful minor,
Ms Spink & Forcibel-Energetic,Brass
*Setting-Gardens alive,House is painted/Looks new,Apartment looked
Ms Spink & Forcibel-colourful,Clean,Organised,Theatre,Grand,Large,Posh,Good condition
*Characters Mr B-Clean,Tidy,Done-up,Healthy,Blue,Nice to Coraline & gets her name right
Ms Spink & Forcibel-Transformed young,Then attractive,Talented actresses/Acrobatics,Modern.
The Beldam-
*Colours-Dark,Greens,Colourful,Purple,Pink,Neons that show in the dark,Fades to white.
*Music-Slower,Quiet,Menacing,creepy,Other world,Suspicious
*Setting-Chocolate & Furniture were beetles,Sinister,Transformed from the perfect home to a spider web,Polluted.